Hace unas semanas se ha estrenado en los cines “Bohemian rapsody”, una película sobre Freddie Mercury y el grupo de rock Queen. El film lleva por título una de las canciones más célebres de este grupo musical.
Aprovechando la actualidad de esta película, hago referencia a una adaptación de esta canción de Queen: “Bethlehemian Rhapsody“, que narra la historia del nacimiento de Jesús. Se trata de una creación de Mark Bradford (www.puppetunes.com) realizada con los muñecos estilo Epi y Blas, que muchos conoceremos.
La verdad es que la letra -hasta donde llegan mis conocimientos de inglés- respeta bastante lo narrado en los evangelios sobre la Navidad (la dejaré transcrita más abajo), y la realización técnica de la canción y de las animaciones de los muñecos es muy original y de mucha calidad.
Puede ser un nuevo modo de acercarse a la navidad al estilo “poppe” y con las melodías de Queen
Is this the real birth? Is it Nativity?
Caught in a census, in the town of His ancestry.
Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see…
He’s just a poor boy, foretold by prophecy.
Because the wise men come, wise men go,
Angels high, shepherds low.
This is how God’s love shows,
It’s a wondrous story to me, to me.
Mary just got the word,
The angel did appear, but he told her not to fear.
Mary, now it’s just begun.
Your Son is gonna wash our sins away.
Mary, ooooh…. this is how God’s love’s shown.
The God who reigns on high, has sent his Son through you to die for all.
I see a little silhouette of a sheep,
Shepherds watch, shepherds watch over their flocks at nighttime.
Angels shine like lightning,
Very, very frightening – me!
Glory to God! Peace on earth!
Glory to God! Peace on earth!
Unto you is born this day,
The only way!
I’m just a shepherd, nobody loves me.
He’s just a shepherd, from a poor family.
Angels said, go to the stable to see.
Wise men come, wise men go, will Herod let him live?
King Herod, no! He will not let him live – better go!
King Herod, he will not let him live – better go!
King Herod, he will not let him live!
Better go – will not let him live; better go – will not let him live
Better go, go, go, go!
Mary, Joseph, Mary, Joseph, Mary, Joseph better go!
To Egypt now, gotta save your Son who came for me, for me, for me!
So you think that it’s just a tale of days gone by?
But this Child who was born went to Calvary to die.
Oh, Jesus, it’s the story of Jesus-
Wash our sins out, wash our sins right out of here.
Jesus, Jesus.
It’s a wondrous story, anyone can see.
Let’s give God the glory, it’s a wondrous story, to me.
This is how God’s love shows.